- Start with grounding. Find the present moment by looking around at your surroundings. Exercise your five senses; what do you see, smell, hear, touch, feel?
- Listen to the experts. You’re not likely to get the virus, but if you do, you’re very likely to have mild or moderate symptoms. Live life as you normally would. Healthcare experts provide these practical tips for prevention against COVID-19 or other viruses: – Wash your hand frequently and thoroughly – Maintain a 3-6 foot distance in social situations with anyone who is coughing or sneezing – Avoid touching your eyes, nose, and mouth – Stay home if you are experiencing a cough, fever, or difficulty breathing, and seek medical care.More advice is available online on the World Health International website: https://www.who.int/emergencies/diseases/novel-coronavirus-2019/advice-for-public
- Talk with others.When something is bothering you, talk about it. Tell your friends or spouse or partner “this virus makes me nervous.” Tell them why. Just talking about it helps.
- Be optimistic. Tell yourself, “everything is going to be OK. Most people are going to be just fine. I’ll be fine, too.”
- Use coping statements. “This is a bad virus, but we are going to be OK. This is temporary. I’ve been through bad things before and I can get through this. When the fear comes up, I’m going to acknowledge it and let it roll off my shoulder. I can handle it. I can deal with it. This too shall pass.”
- Practice good self-care. Eat healthy. Drink water. Exercise. Engage in your hobbies. Socialize. Nurture your spirit.